Benefits at South Delhi Vaults

  • To be truly safe, a vault must be unassailable from every direction and that includes walls, floors, roofs, slabs and doors
  • Equipments and Know hows provided only by the most reliable and famous name in the security business, namely,Godrej.
  • 45cms thick steel reinforced walls.
  • 65mm hammer, drill, oxyacetylene flame, explosive, fire and burglar resisting alarm vault door. Whereas, banks generally use a Banker's Quality Door which is cheaper and less secure.
  • 24 hours round-the-clock security with armed guards.
  • Each locker has a dual control lock and no one key can open a second lock.
  • Burglar Alarm System.

Sheer Convenience

  • Our aim is to provide you with a system that meets with your absolute convenience.
  • We believe that you must be given the best possible service.
  • Open seven days a week, and unlike most banks which operate lockers for part of the day. SDV is open from 10:00A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
  • Efficient, personalized service.
  • Minimum of formalities with no need to open a current A/c or saving A/c.
  • Air-conditioned premises in very pleasant and clean surroundings.
  • Fully carpeted dust free.
  • Provides privacy with no walking through corridors and waiting in queues.
  • Open on most bank holidays.

Reliable Company

  • South Delhi Vaults is the safest deposit vault in New Delhi, since 1992. Several large Corporates and Banks have trusted and continue to utilize our services for over 2 decades now.
  • The Company is managed by professionals with over 40 years of experience in the services and the group has been providing quality offices and services to its multinational customers which include leading.